Fishtail Braiding

'Ello! Today I'm going to teach you how to braid a fishtail. Instructions!!
You will need a hairbrush, one small hair tie, and a model.

First, brush your models hair. If your doll (or human)  has curly hair like Saige, twist sections of her hair to retain her curl.

Next, divide her hair into two sections. Section A (left) And Section B (right)

1.Take a smaller piece from Section B.

 3.Take the smaller piece from section B and cross it over to section A.

It will look like this.
4.Then, take a small section from section A and cross it over to section B
Repeat step one,two,three,and four.

Her hair will start to look like this.

Ta Da! Fishtail braiding is a fun and easy way to do hair.

Zái jián (goodbye in Chinese.)


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